Original Mr Li (HUK) pick & decoder Premium Ford Tibbe (FO21P)
LSO-LPT600 - In Stock
Precision engineered - Manufactured by HUK Ford Tibbe 6 cut (FO21T)

Original Mr Li (HUK) pick & decoder Jaguar 8 cut Tibbe (TBE1P)
LSO-LPT609 - In Stock
Precision engineered - Manufactured by HUK Jaguar Tibbe 8 cut (TBE1T)

Safe Venture Ford Tibbe pick & decoder (FO21P)
SFV-LPT087 - Out of Stock
Wheel pick capable of opening and decoding the Ford Tibbe type lock. LPT087

Souber Ford Tibbe pick - Clockwise - Most popular
SOB-LPT030 - Out of Stock
Picks open and enables decoding of Ford Tibbe locks. Clockwise rotation (popular).

Souber Ford Tibbe pick - Anti clockwise
SOB-LPT081 - Out of Stock
Picks open and enables decoding of Ford Tibbe locks. Anti-clockwise rotation.