Mortice Key Blanks
Top quality British manufactured mortice keys to suit all popular brands. Available in quality brass and steel.

Gauged Key Blanks
Standard gauged key blanks to suit mortice, rim, padlock and cabinet locks. Many different bit sizes and lengths available to suit any job.

Genuine Mortice Keys
Genuine mortice keys available to suit many popular brands. A quality finish to any cut mortice key.

Precut Mortice Keys
Save your time, effort and cutters by stocking pre cut mortice keys. Available for many different mortice and rim door locks.

Safe Key Blanks
We stock a large range of gauged and branded security safe key blanks. Many different gauges, lengths and finishes available.

Malleable Iron (Church) Keys
Large range of rough cast malleable iron keys ranging in size and finish. These keys require hand finishing, and pipe keys are supplied un-drilled. We also offer a key duplication service or casting service for these keys on receipt of original key.